The Unknown in the cold? After countless rumours, Didier Bourdon FINALLY lifts the veil on the estrangement which caused the group to implode… Unpublished secrets!

This Wednesday, March 2, 2022, the channel TMC decided to honor the group of Unknowns with two films: “The Three Brothers”. On screen, Pascal Légitimus, Bernard Campan, and Didier Bourdon embody a joyful siblings who get to know each other after an inheritance. An epic fiction that continues to have its small effect on viewers many years after its release.

After having chained the successes in the field of the 7ᵉ art, the three friends have however decided to separate a few years ago. “After Les Rois Mages, we had solo careers because we wanted to stop. Me, I have a little regret, we made The Three Brothers, the return a little too late (in 2014, 19 years after the first issue, editor’s note.). We could have done things before, but that was Bernard’s choice. He no longer wanted to fit into the group of Unknowns”, analyzed Didier Bourdon on the airwaves ofEuropean 1 in 2018. “Friendly, we have always been very close, but he felt it less”.

The three friends have never really agreed on the fate of the Unknowns. Unfortunately, differences on this subject would have caused serious tensions in the group. In particular between Didier Bourdon and Bernard Campan. “We have a little trouble understanding each other. But I tell you, it’s like a couple: you also have to leave time for us to reconnect. […]”, confessed the husband of Anne Campan in the columns of Figaro three years earlier. “It’s just that, thirty years of friendship, it’s not easy sometimes”.

Let their fans be reassured, Les Inconnus could very quickly return to the front of the stage. “I was talking about it with Pascal two days ago”, confirmed Didier Bourdon at the microphone of RTL at the start of the year. “I’m waiting for Bernard’s opinion. I think we could take the old sketches and revisit them. And, around the table, we would find other ideas… We’re not 30 anymore, we’re not going to doing the sketches where we wouldn’t stop, it was very physical. We can do a fairly original scenography, with screens. We’ll see you soon, on my birthday, there, at the end of the month, the 22nd.” . To be continued…


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