the United States will deliver cluster bombs


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

France 3 – J. Desrousseaux, E. Revidon

France Televisions

For months, the Ukrainian president has been asking the West for increasingly sophisticated weapons. The United States will supply cluster munitions, a type of armament very controversial for its impact on civilians.

The United States has promised to deliver cluster munitions to Ukrainewhile thehe Russians have been accused since the beginning of the war of using them against the Ukrainians. From now on, kyiv may use it. The decision was taken to support Ukraine in its fight. “It was a tough decision for me. Ukraine is running out of ammunition, and it is still heavily attacked”, specifies Joe Biden, the American president.

Dangerous for civilians

Cluster munitions contain dozens, if not hundreds, of miniature explosives. They strike an area that can reach several hundred meters, causing enormous damage among civilians. Several allies of Ukraine denounce an arms race unacceptable to civilians. “These are munitions prohibited by international law”recalls Alexander SchallenbergAustrian Foreign Minister.

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