the United States will deliver 15 billion m3 of liquefied natural gas to Europe before the end of 2022



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European leaders met in Brussels on Friday 25 March. They notably mentioned the EU’s dependence on Russian gas.

The 27 members of the European Union reached an agreement on Friday 25 March. “They made a deal with Joe Biden, because the United States is the beginning of the solution to our dependence on Russian gas.“, reports the journalist François Beaudonnetpresent on the set of 19/20. The United States will deliver, by the end of 2022, 15 billion m3 of liquefied natural gas, and 50 billion m3 per year in the long term.

It may seem like a lot, but it’s only a third of what Europe buys today from Russia.”he adds. The Union could also obtain supplies from Qatar, Algeria or Norway. The Heads of State are also trying to “agree on mechanisms that would make it possible to obtain prices that are a little less exorbitant”such as group purchases or ceiling prices. This race for supplies could have consequences for the climate. “To replace Russian gas or oil as quickly as possible, Europe is not turning to renewable energies, but to hydrocarbons and coal.“, concludes François Beaudonnet.

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