the United States wants to vaccinate contact cases

Five probable or confirmed cases have been identified in the country. Health authorities expect their numbers to increase.

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The response is organized. The United States is preparing to vaccinate people who have been in close contact with monkeypox patients on Monday, May 23, as the country, which now has five probable or confirmed cases, expects see their numbers increase. “We want to maximize the distribution of vaccines to those who we know would benefit”said Jennifer McQuiston, official at the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), during a press conference. “That is, those who have been in contact with a known monkeypox patient, such as caregivers, very close personal contacts, particularly those at risk of developing a severe case of the disease.”

Most infected people recover spontaneously within two to four weeks, without specific treatment. But the American authorities are taking all possible precautions. Two vaccines against smallpox authorized by the FDA, the American drug agency, can be used. The first, ACAM2000, is a live attenuated vaccine, not recommended for immunocompromised people. The United States has 100 million doses.

The second, Jynneos, is also a live but non-replicating vaccine, and therefore considered safer. The United States only has 1,000 doses, but that number should “increase rapidly in the coming weeks”according to the manager. According to her, data show that these two vaccines can help prevent the development of the disease if they are administered quickly after exposure.

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