The United States signs a finance law in extremis and escapes the paralysis of federal services

If they finally dismissed the threat of a “shutdown”, parliamentarians are engaged in much more difficult discussions to prevent the United States from soon being able to honor its payments.

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The United States avoided, Thursday, September 30, the paralysis of the federal services by signing a finance law which extends the current budget until December 3. The text, signed by President Joe Biden, had been adopted earlier by the House of Representatives and the Senate with comfortable majorities. If they finally quite easily dismissed the threat of budgetary paralysis, nicknamed “shutdown”, parliamentarians are engaged in much more difficult discussions to prevent the United States from being able to honor its payments from October 18, which implies for the Congress to raise the debt limit of the country.

Well aware of the danger, Republicans and Democrats cannot agree on how to avoid it. In a deeply divided Congress, the subject became highly political as the opposition knowingly linked the debt issue to a historic Joe Biden plan. The Democratic President is planning $ 3.5 trillion to fundamentally reform the social fabric of the United States and invest heavily in the fight against climate change. Exorbitant madness, denounce the Republicans, who therefore absolutely refuse to participate directly or indirectly in any measure aimed at raising the debt ceiling.

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