the United States says it is “examining” Hamas’s response to the truce plan

The plan announced by the American president and adopted Monday by the UN Security Council, provides in the first phase for a six-week ceasefire.


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US Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks to the press in Tel Aviv, Israel, June 11, 2024. (AFP)

Discussions continue around the truce plan proposed on May 31 by American President Joe Biden. While the American Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, is on a diplomatic tour in the Middle East, the White House declared on Tuesday June 11 that it was examining Hamas’ official response to this proposal.“We have received the response that Hamas gave to Qatar and Egypt, and we are reviewing it”White House spokesperson John Kirby told reporters.

“I am not going to provide any context or details on the response that has just arrived and which our team is currently evaluating, as are our friends in Qatar and Egypt,” who, like the United States, play the role of mediators between the Israeli government and the leaders of Hamas, in power in the Gaza Strip., he added.

THE Hamas and Islamic Jihad reacted in a joint statement to the ceasefire plan carried by the Americans and supported on Monday by the UN Security Council. The response they transmitted to their interlocutors “prioritizes the interests of the Palestinian people and emphasizes the need for a total end to the ongoing aggression in Gaza”the two Islamist groups said, adding that they were ready to “engage in a positive way to reach an agreement that puts an end to this war.”

The plan announced by the American president provides, in a first phase, for a six-week ceasefire accompanied by an Israeli withdrawal from densely populated areas of Gaza, the release of hostages held in the Palestinian territory and prisoners Palestinians detained by Israel.

Washington is increasing pressure for the belligerents to accept this ceasefire plan. On tour in the Middle East, Antony Blinken stressed in Israel that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had given him “reaffirmed its commitment” for the ceasefire plan announced by the American president at the end of May and adopted Monday by the UN Security Council.

The American Secretary of State also described “encouraging sign” the reaction of Hamas, which said on Monday it welcomed “favorably” a certain number of elements of the American resolution, before giving its official response Tuesday evening.

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