Supplying 40% of the United States with electricity with solar energy: a crazy goal that Joe Biden wants to achieve. But yet, the country is working on it, especially in Texas.
Americans see it big and it can be seen in Texas, in the southern United States. There is one of the largest solar power plants in the country, which has nearly 1.7 million solar panels over its entire area. “We produce electricity to power 37,000 homes”says Barry Matchett, director of external affairs for Clearway Energy. President Joe Biden has set himself a pretty incredible goal: the United States will be powered 40% by solar energy within 15 years. A scenario that seems possible according to Barry Matchett.
To achieve Joe Biden’s goal, nearly 50 solar power plants similar to the one operated by Barry Matchett would have to be created. An easy task in certain states of the country, such as Arizona, but which promises to be much more complex where the population is denser, such as New York. The East Coast lacks land on Earth, but in New Jersey, the panels have been moved to the water, in order to float and collect solar energy without impacting underwater life.