The United States has provided 500 million COVID vaccines to the rest of the world (Blinken)

The United States has provided 500 million doses of vaccines to the rest of the world since this remedy against COVID-19 was born, announced Thursday the head of the American diplomacy Antony Blinken in a statement sent to AFP.

“The United States has now shared more than 500 million doses of free, safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine to more than 110 countries and economies around the world, with the sole purpose of saving lives,” he said. he asserted.

Washington’s total goal is to distribute 1.1 billion doses.

The secretary of state added that since the start of the pandemic just over two years ago, Washington had provided “nearly twenty billion dollars in health, humanitarian, economic and development assistance to more than 120 countries” .

“We have also invested in and supported the development of manufacturing capacities for anti-COVID vaccines in Africa and Asia,” said Antony Blinken, believing that this American work made “the difference around the world”.

He cited examples of local successes and initiatives in Paraguay, Zambia, Malawi and Thailand with the help of the United States.

“This work is crucial because the pandemic is not over. Many lives are still in danger around the world, as countries try to overcome Omicron and face the possibility of new variants,” insisted the Secretary of State.

US President Joe Biden has repeatedly assured that his country will be “the world’s vaccine arsenal”.

His administration also reiterates that US vaccine donations are made without conditions, and not with the aim of pushing diplomatic or strategic objectives.

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