the United States faces a shortage of baby milk




Article written by

C. Verove, C. Guttin, N. Pagnotta – France 3

France Televisions

The United States faces a shortage of breast milk. An unprecedented food crisis that worries parents and has led to the creation of an airlift.

For several months, the United States has faced a shortage of baby milk. “It’s terrifying, it’s my baby’s only food. When I go to the store, I’m on the verge of tears“Says a mother. Supply problems and a lack of labor are causing this shortage. In addition, a factory closed in Michigan after a health problem.

President Joe Biden had to announce an airlift in order to feed America’s babies. “I commissioned the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Health, to fly in baby milk to American health standards“, affirmed the president during a speech. The operation must make it possible to import milk from Switzerland or the Netherlands. Some turn to breast milk banks. “When they call us, they are angry, frustrated and very often even crying“, says Kim Updegrove, director of the Austin (Texas) milk bank.

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