The United Kingdom and Spain are counting on the return of tourists to revive their economy

In France, the vaccination pass came into effect on January 24, and is therefore essential for to go to a restaurant, to the theatre, to a stadium or to travel by plane or on board a TGV. Anyone wishing to enter French territory must have a negative PCR or antigen test within 24 or 48 hours depending on the country of origin.. The only exception is that people with a complete vaccination schedule do not have to present a test when they arrive from a European country. At the same time, our English and Spanish neighbors are easing restrictions to attract tourists and revive their economy. Overview.

The United Kingdom is betting on a new strategy

In a country where inflation has reached unprecedented heights in the past 30 years and where Brexit is inevitably slowing down international trade, the authorities are keeping an eye on tourists. This notably involves an international advertising campaign. In a little over two weeks, expect to see posters with the superb British landscapes in France, as well as on the Internet: this is the visitbritain campaign. 12 million euros invested for this unprecedented promotion which also targets the United States, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands.

At the forefront: Queen Elizabeth II. More precisely the celebrations of his 70 years of reign, the Platinum Jubilee. It will run from June 2-5, with a series of events and popular gatherings around this beloved figure here. The authorities want to attract foreign visitors at this time, and also during the Commonwealth Games. 11 days of sports competitions, small Olympic Games in a way, with 187 nationalities, from July 28 to August 8.

An important campaign because over the past two years, coming to the UK from abroad has not always been easy or even impossible. The restrictions linked to Covid did not make traveling pleasant, between constraints and the risk of spreading the virus. But the message from the British authorities is clear: if you have your two doses of vaccine, the country is now open. From February 11, these travelers will be welcome, without restriction. No more mandatory tests before leaving or once arrived, no more quarantines. And in England, everything will be open, without gauge, without mask, from tomorrow. A return to normal life, to the life before. London is betting on a now harmless virus, beaten by herd immunity and the vaccine. Above all, the government needs to revive economic activity.

Obviously, the current political climate is no stranger to all this. Boris Johnson, in great difficulty with his own majority, is trying to win it back, in particular the most liberal branch. These deputies who have always been resistant to confinements, to the mask, concerned above all with individual freedoms. This approach is therefore economic but also largely political.

Spain wants to become a flagship destination for luxury tourism in Europe

For several years, the openings of luxury hotels have followed one another in Madrid. Despite the pandemic, 24 5-star hotels reopened in 2021 and 2 new establishments arrived in the Spanish capital. This is the case of the Four Seasons, a 5-star Grand Luxe, which is located right next to Puerta del Sol. After 8 years of pharaonic work and the restoration of 7 historic buildings, the Four Seasons has become in a few months one of the most prestigious luxury hotels in the capital. But that’s not all, because the top-of-the-range offer will be further developed in the coming months. Several major global hotel groups, which were not yet present in Madrid, plan to open several establishments, such as Marriott International or the French company Boissée Finances, which will have its own luxury hotel and the largest swimming pool on the roof of the capital! According to the ABC newspaper, 10 5-star hotels are due to open in the next 12 months.

On the tourism side, the Madrid authorities are confident. A few days ago, the president of the region, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, said on the occasion of the International Tourism Fair, which took place in Madrid, that “the best years await us”. An optimism shared by the regional councilor for Culture and Tourism, Marta Rivera de la Cruz.

“We start the year with an upward trend, which has been happening since around June. In the Madrid region, tourism represents 7% of our GDP. And this year we have a clear objective: to completely recover international tourism.

Marta Rivera de la Cruz, Regional Councilor for Tourism

at franceinfo

The same feeling on national tourism which “already registers figures practically equivalent to those of 2019 but international tourism represents 56%, compared to the figures of 2019”, she explains. The arrival of tourists in the country depends mainly on the Covid: “We have a way to go which will be marked by the evolution of the pandemic and by the opening measures which can be decided by the long-haul countries. The outstanding question, and which no longer depends on us, is the recovery of the Asian market”.

As for the French, more and more of them are visiting the Spanish capital, as are American tourists. The only false note therefore remains the Asian market. To reverse the trend, the Madrid region wants to diversify its offer and attract new tourists, convinced that 2022 will be the year of the resumption of international tourism.

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