the United Kingdom, an obstacle to overcome for the transport of goods



Article written by

M.September, C.Madini, K.Guyomard – France 2

France Televisions

Since Brexit, the port of Rosslare (Ireland) has become one of the main gateways to the continent for European freight.

It was still only a small Irish port a year and a half ago. Since Brexit, Rosslare (Ireland) has become one of the main gateways to the continent for European freight. Here, connections have quadrupled in one year. Every day, hundreds of trucks now head for the whole of Europe. Before Brexit, the route most used by lorry drivers was through Wales and England, for around eleven hours.

From now on, it is necessary to pass by a sea route between Ireland and the French coasts, and to count between 17 and 24 hours of boat. Although this journey is longer in theory, it makes it possible to avoid customs checks, queues or even the stress of an administrative error which would immobilize a truck. Rosslare now has 45 connections, such as one with Le Havre, twice a weekend.

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