The unions of public hospital doctors are calling for a strike to demand the upgrading of night and weekend call duty

They also denounce the lack of attractiveness of their profession. Negotiations have taken place with the Ministry of Health but have been stalled since mid-May.

Movement should slightly disrupt healing. The doctors of the public hospital are called to strike, Monday July 3 and Tuesday July 4, to denounce the lack of attractiveness of their profession and to demand the revaluation of night and weekend guards. Doctors’ unions are calling in particular for the outcome of negotiations announced by Emmanuel Macron, who had promised, at the beginning of January, to‘”open the night work pay site” and some “permanence” care, that is to say guards and on-call duty.

Negotiations have taken place with the Ministry of Health but have been stalled since mid-May. According to the office of Minister François Braun, a global plan is well in preparation to restore the attractiveness of the hospital career. But he is waiting for arbitrations “interdepartmental” with Bercy and Matignon. The unions of hospital doctors will be received Tuesday at the ministry, has already announced the cabinet of François Braun.

“A profession that has become a real foil”

Two different intersyndicales are calling for a strike, one on Tuesday, the other on Wednesday. The call for Monday comes from Actions Hospital Practitioners, which includes the organization Samu Urgences de France (SUdF), of which François Braun was president until his arrival at the Ministry of Health. These organizations had not signed the Ségur de la santé agreements, in July 2020, on the revaluation of salaries in the hospital. Unlike Alliance Hospital and the Intersyndicate of Hospital Practitioners (INPH) who are calling for a strike on Tuesday. Overall, their demands are similar: upgrading of guards, measures to make the salary grid more attractive.

“The profession of hospital practitioner has become a real foil, consider Alliance Hospital and the INPH. A large number of colleagues from all disciplines and of all ages are resigning”. The consequences of these strikes should be limited for patients because most striking doctors do not really stop work. “There may be some consultations or interventions postponed”says Dr. Rachel Bocher, president of the INPH.

Samu Emergencies of France plans “a ‘zero stretchers in the corridors’ operation” for the emergency services, specifies doctor Marc Noizet, president of the union: the patients. “We want people to realize what ER is going to look like” if the departure of doctors from the hospital continues, he adds.

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