the unions have a meeting with Borne and in the streets next week

A new day of mobilization, the 11th, was announced for Thursday April 6, a few days after a meeting scheduled at Matignon with the Prime Minister.

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Demonstrators against the pension reform, March 28, 2023 in Limoges (Haute-Vienne).  (PASCAL LACHENAUD / AFP)

The unions and the executive will talk to each other again. After a tenth day of action on Tuesday March 28, the inter-union, which scheduled a new mobilization on April 6, was invited to Matignon at the start of next week. It is a dramatic turn of events after a day of mobilization marked by a decline: the Ministry of the Interior has identified 740,000 demonstrators throughout France, against 1.1 million last week, the CGT “more than 2 million” against 3.5 million.

>> Demonstrations against the pension reform: visualize the figures of the national mobilization compared to the previous movements.

At a time when the intersyndicale announced an 11th day of action on April 6, the number one of the CFDT Laurent Berger revealed on TMC that the intersyndicale was invited at the beginning of next week to Matignon by Elisabeth Borne, putting an end to weeks of no dialogue between the two parties. “We will go. We talked about it between us. Yes, we collectively think that we have to go there to carry our proposals”said Laurent Berger. “Including” the proposal for mediation in the hard conflict of pensions, the hypothesis of which had however been swept away by Olivier Véran during the day.

55 arrests in Paris

When questioned, Matignon confirmed the invitation but made no comment on his agenda. Tuesday, like last week, clashes between demonstrators and the police erupted in several cities while the violence around the basin of Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres), during the weekend, was still in all heads.

In Paris, where 10,000 checks took place around the procession, a Leclerc business was looted and several trash can fires lit before clashes at the finish at Place de la Nation. The police headquarters reported 55 arrests around 8:30 p.m. Tensions also in Dijon, Lyon, Lille and Toulouse, where the police used water cannons. Nantes, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Besançon and Nancy also experienced clashes.

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