the Union Populaire campaigning in the priority district of Beaubreuil for the presidential election

Sitting on a low wall or on folding chairs in front of the social center in the Beaubreuil district, Amine, Pablo and Travis see an MEP arrive in their neighborhood. “It is the first time that we have seen an elected official of this level here”, notice one of them. Manon Aubry, leaflets in hand, is co-president of the Left group in the European Parliament.

“Are you old enough to vote?” L’Insoumise begins the discussion with these young people from the neighborhood. All claim to follow the campaign closely.It’s important for our future.”, notes Pablo. Amine made her choice. “I want Jean-Luc Mélenchon president. He’s the only one who speaks well of us in the neighborhoods. That’s why we’re going to vote for him. It’s not someone like Zemmour or Pécresse who will help us.”

Fight against poverty

After several minutes, everyone explains their professional career to the elected European. Pablo works in a school, he wants to pass his BAFA. Amine worked for him for several months but is now unemployed. He is angry with Emmanuel Macron and his unemployment reform. “I had 600 euros, now I have 300 euros in unemployment aid. I already don’t have a lot of money, it’s impossible to live. After two weeks, I have nothing left. “

The remarks on life in Beaubreuil are a godsend for the representative of the Popular Union behind the candidate Mélenchon who runs the program. “We will remove this unfair reform if we come to power. We will fight so that no person and even more so in this district finds itself under 1063 per month, it is the poverty line in France.” Manon Aubry talks about the creation of the autonomy guaranteewhich must supplement the income of households below the poverty line.

The battle for the vote of the popular districts…

For several weeks, the candidate Mélenchon has been progressing in the polls. It is given today around 15% according to the institutes. But he remains a few points behind Marine Le Pen, in a strong position for the second round. In the camp of the Insoumis, we are convinced: voting in lower-income neighborhoods can tip the scales.

“We have to motivate everyone to go and vote because opposite the friends of Emmanuel Macron will mobilize”says Marion Aubry. “If we have a second round Macron / Mélenchon, we will have other debates than against Marine Le Pen where it will be a race for measures on immigration.”

… in the face of abstention

But in these neighborhoods, many no longer vote or vote blank. Rachid, a local resident, also observes: “When I am an assessor in the office, you don’t see many people coming to vote. However, you have to tell yourself that our vote may be important.”

With her two shopping bags under her arms, Marie-Laure calculates everything to the nearest euro. This mother at home has always voted but she no longer believes in the word of politicians. “I vote because it is an important duty and right but I don’t trust any of the candidates.”

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Manage my choices

For Alain, an association volunteer for almost 20 years, the reason is simple:“People say politicians = liars. When you’re cuckolded the first time, you become a little more suspicious. The second time, you become even more… The 17th time, you can’t stand it anymore.” However, he too believes in the Mélenchon candidacy. The only one capable, according to him, of fight effectively against poverty.

This Wednesday evening at the Jean Moulin hall in Limoges, a large meeting was organized with several figures of the Popular Union movement: Manon Aubry, Raquel Garrido but also François Ruffin.

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