the union of commissioners “regrets the totally nauseating postures of Jean-Luc Mélenchon”

“It is unworthy of a political personality who claims to be the future head of a government”, reacted on Monday June 6 on franceinfo David Le Bars, secretary general of the Union of National Police Commissioners (SCPN), after Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s comments on the police the day after the death of a passenger in a car during of a police check in Paris in the 18th arrondissement. The leader of rebellious France denounced “a police (that) kills”guilty of applying “the death penalty for a refusal to comply” and exercising “an unacceptable abuse of power.”

>> Paris: what we know about the death of a passenger in a car, shot and killed by police denouncing a refusal to comply

“As usual, it’s both a lack of modesty, a lack of respect, including for the victims”, Judge David Le Bars. According to him, “pointing the finger at a culprit, if however there is a culprit, it is to supply justice”. The boss of the SCPN “regrets the totally nauseating postures of Jean-Luc Mélenchon”. He would like to point out that a policeman, “when he enters the quarry to do this job, do not return to kill”. He calls to stay “modest” in this affair which resulted in one death.

“There is a very serious criminal case. There are three police officers who are gambling their careers and their future. So modesty would be the minimum one could expect from a political leader.”

David Le Bars, Secretary General of the Union of National Police Commissioners (SCPN)

at franceinfo

David Le Bars recognizes “that each refusal to comply must not be the subject of a shot”, while since 2017, the gendarmes and the police can shoot at a vehicle when a driver does not comply. He waits for “Justice” say, in this matter, “whether the law has been applied or not”. He considers that the article of law which governs this refusal to comply “is rather well written and is rather very precise”. He assures that “shooting by the police is strictly supervised, with extremely precise conditions, proportionality, the need for there to be no other means of stopping the offense and if there is a danger, either police on people”. “If there is the slightest doubt, it will be the instruction that will continue to look for faults and faults”adds David Le Bars.

According to David Le Bars, the qualification should be “intentional homicide”. “It may shockhe acknowledges. But you have to understand that justice needs to shed some light so that it can then give explanations. And only justice can and should do that.”

“Society is entitled to ask questions and know what happened. But it is not up to a political leader to stir up trouble and show culprits who are not and will not be. not until justice has made a final and irrevocable judicial decision.”

David Le Bars, Secretary General of the Union of National Police Commissioners (SCPN)

at franceinfo

More generally, David Le Bars pleads for “entrust” this type of business “to specialized, professionalized magistrates, who are trained”. He also wishes “that justice passes quickly to respond to public opinion and also so that police officers, if they are rehabilitated, are not suspended too long and can continue their work”. But “if they have committed faults, they will be dismissed from the national police.”

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