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Interior Minister Gerald Darmaninwants to intensify the fight against urban rodeos, following repeated dramas. He asked the police stations to carry out three anti-rodeo operations a day, a goal that is difficult to achieve according to some police officers, who denounce a policy of numbers.
Gerald DarmaninMinister of the Interior, holds a martial speech in the fight against urban rodeos. Repression intensifies, but with what results? On visit, Wednesday August 17, at the Créteil police station (Val de Marne)he asked his troops to keep up the pressure. “These are real acts that are often criminal, since they endanger the lives of others, overthrow the elderly, women, children”justifies the Minister of the Interior.
According to figures from the ministry, 16,000 checks and 2,200 arrests have taken place in France since the start of 2022. In total, 1,800 devices were seized over the same period. “It is an announcement effect. Police stations and gendarmerie brigades are required to carry out three checks a day. Now, we know very well that this announcement effect, there will have to be results. And the results, it is not only the action of the police and the gendarmerie, it is the penal action“, comments David Le Bars, general secretary of the union of police commissioners. The police are asking for harsher penalties.