the unexpected declaration of Franck Dubosc to this dancer of “Dancing with the stars”!

In addition to excelling in humor, Franck Dubosc also knows how to dance very well. It is also for this reason that the majority of his fans hope for participation in Dance with the stars and has been for several years. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be in his plans at the moment. In fact, during an interview with Telestar, the actor and humorist revealed, however, that the production kept calling him to participate. Proposals that he has however always declined…

“I was asked for the first edition but I’m still not ready!”he revealed to our colleagues before adding: “Firstly because it’s a very difficult learning process if you’re going to win the competition. Secondly, it’s a stage fright that I don’t want to impose on myself. And I don’t have not really my place”. However, this stage fright, he does not seem to have had it during the shooting of his film rumba life.

Denitsa Ikonomova, an important woman for Franck Dubosc

Because yes, since August 24, fans of Franck Dubosc can find him at the cinema in his latest film in which he plays a school bus driver withdrawn into himself. Our colleagues fromAllocinated saying more about the synopsis of this feature film: “this driver lives alone after having abandoned his wife and child twenty years earlier. Shaken by a heart attack, he finds the necessary courage to face his past and enroll incognito in the dance class led by his daughter, whom he does not has ever known, with the aim of (re)conquering her and giving meaning to her life”.

And to excel in dance, Franck Dubosc had to call on Denitsa Ikonomova, now a former dancer from Dance with the stars. The opportunity for our colleagues to Minute Buzz of him asked with whom he could participate in the telecrochet of TF1 if he ever came to participate. Unsurprisingly, the actor revealed: “I would be Denitsa”. The reason ? “She’s the only one I’m not ashamed of. Because she knows how I dance”finally concluded the comedian.

See also: TPMP: Cyril Hanouna delivers the details of a crazy evening at Franck Dubosc’s which he still cannot recover from…


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