the unease within the police after the medal given to Jordan Bardella by the CRS

The Minister of the Interior notably requested an administrative report after the presentation of a medal by the CRS of the Alpes-Maritimes to Jordan Bardella.


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The CRS-6 company presented a medal to RN deputy Jordan Bardella, February 19, 2024. (CAPTURE X)

The sequence greatly displeased the Minister of the Interior. Gérald Darmanin called the prefects and police and gendarmerie bosses to order after Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally, was given a badge on Monday February 20 by a CRS commander in the Alpes-Maritimes. The scene was filmed and broadcast on social networks in particular on the account.

In the note sent Monday to the prefects, Gérald Darmanin draws attention to the “pre-election context” as the Europeans approach, “auspicious visits by parliamentarians to police and gendarmerie services”he writes.

“Republican courtesy”

But the minister is clear: these visits are not “a right”only a matter of “republican courtesy”And “any political communication action in the police or gendarmerie services is prohibited”. Gérald Darmanin’s entourage evokes a “error of judgment” from the prefect of Alpes-Maritimes who gave the green light to Jordan Bardella’s visit.

On the police side, an executive confides his bitterness. “We are being exploited”, he said, explaining that initially, only the constituency MP had to come. As for the medal, this framework recognizes “an awkwardness”while explaining that there is a tradition and that this gesture is not reserved for the National Rally. “It is part of the job to open up to the outside world and in particular to elected officials by presenting them with the missions and the equipment”, says a CRS. Regret from a manager: that a visitor filmed and broadcast the scene. Assuring that it was only a question of work and not politics.

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