the uncertain future of military translators




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While they have become interpreters for the various armies present in Mali, abandoning their initial profession of tourist guide because of the conflicts, the translators wonder what will happen next.

Since the violence of conflicts took hold in the Malian landscape ten years ago, many translators have had to convert to translators for the army. They work in particular with the French army and the contingents of the UN mission in Mali in the war waged against jihadist groups. There are more risks with the military because we are on the ground. But here we have to do it. You have to work to live quoi, explains one of them who wished to remain anonymous.

thes interpreters are absolutely necessary for us to be able to do our work.garlic, explains Pierre Russel, British contingent of the Minusma. And the soldier continues: Sans their ability to communicate in five to six different dialects, we could not do our job. They are therefore essential to the equipe“. As the foreign soldiers prepare to leave the country, the few hundred translators in Mali fear for their future, preferring to hide the truth about their profession: I didn’t tell my family that I was a translator. When you live in the center of Mali it’s really complicatedthan.


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