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The Minister of the Budget presented, Tuesday, May 9, a plan which targets the big fraudsters, and more particularly the super rich. Gabriel Attal clarified that he would be less careful with the middle classes, SMEs and small business owners. What are the government’s weapons to fight against fraud?
Police techniques at the service of the tax authorities. Spinning mills, snitches, physical and digital tracking. The government wants to hunt the big fish, and announces 25% more controls among the ultra-rich, by the end of the five-year term. In the suburbs of Paris, we process 500 cases a year. 40 additional agents will be recruited, according to the director of the service. “It allows me to broaden the scope of skills, to process files more quickly also and above all”indicates Christophe Perruaux, head of the Service of judicial investigations of finances.
1,500 additional officers
More investigators, and more penalties for fraudsters. The government announced Tuesday, May 9, the most serious cases could be deprived of voting rights and tax credit, for several years. Associations specializing in these issues are skeptical. “It can only be a deterrent if the Council of State validates the provision, and if there is a real strategy which makes it possible to strengthen the search for information”, estimates Vincent Drezet, spokesman of Attac. Another planned sanction: work of general interest. In all, Bercy announces 1,500 additional agents for the fight against fraud. According to the unions, these are not job creations. Tax evasion is difficult to quantify. It would be 80, or even up to 100 billion euros per year, according to certain associations.