the ultra creepy nickname he gave to the comedian!

On the occasion of a document dedicated to Pierre Palmade, “Ligne Rouge” (BFM TV) collected the testimony of several people who rubbed shoulders with Pierre Palmade. Jérémy Normand, Louis Sibille and Lucille Hemmen have indeed returned to the “30 years of demons” of the 54-year-old man who has been tirelessly writing ink since the tragic accident he caused on February 10 under the influence of narcotics.

See also: Comedian Patrick Adler denounces the behavior of Pierre Palmade in an unpublished document!

“Pierre wants to burn life at both ends”

A documentary during which, Christophe Combarieu, producer of shows, took the floor… And against all expectations, the latter gave a nickname, to say the least creepy, to the actor. “At Pierre Palmade, there is Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”, he said, making the character of Doctor Jekyll in Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel, a philanthropist obsessed with his split personality who develops a drug to separate his good side from his bad side.

And to add: “We have the feeling that Pierre wants to burn life at both ends. It was enough to go to the Queen, to go to the Bains, to go to all the somewhat fashionable clubs, you would find Pierre Palmade every night until 5 o’clock in the morning”.

An impression shared by Patrick Adler. The imitator also spoke in “Ligne Rouge” to discuss the nightlife of Pierre Palmade: “You should know that Pierre quickly earned a lot of money. So he started feeding a lot of networks, a lot of people too. Success is a lot of money, but suddenly we distribute, we buy. We have the impression that we can buy everything. I saw him one night when he was completely on coke telling a dude ‘Hey, I’ll give you 500 bucks. I don’t give a fuck, I want you!’And I said to him: ‘But you’re crazy Pierre, you’re a famous guy’ and he said to me ‘get it! You’re pissing me off!’»he recalled.


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