the Ukrainian president criticizes the European response and calls for reinforcements from Europeans “with combat experience”

Volodymyr Zelensky considers that European sanctions are too weak and slow, and on Friday called on Europeans with “combat experience” to participate in the conflict.

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The Ukrainian leader’s frustration is palpable. “How are you going to defend yourselves if you are so slow to help Ukraine?”exclaimed Volodymyr Zelensky to the attention of Europe on Friday, February 25, as the invasion led by Russian troops reached the capital Kiev.

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The European Union and the United States announced a new set of sanctions targeting Russian companies and officials on Thursday, but according to the Ukrainian president, they are not enough. “Cancel visas for Russians? Logout [du réseau interbancaire] Swift? Total isolation from Russia? Recall of ambassadors? Oil embargo? Today, everything must be on the table, because it is a threat for all of us, all of Europe”he listed, adding that “Europe is strong enough to stop this aggression”.

As Ukrainian soldiers fail to stop the advance of Russian troops, the Ukrainian leader also issued a desperate appeal: “If you have combat experience and you no longer want to watch the indecision of your political leaders, you can come to our country to defend Europe”.

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