the Ukrainian couple applauded by the Montpellier public

The figure skating worlds in Montpellier were marked by two highlights on Friday March 25: first, the entry into the running of the gold medalists at the Beijing Olympics last month, Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron, who took the lead of the rhythmic ice dancing program with their best score of the season.

Earlier, a poignant moment experienced by the room with the performance of the Ukrainian couple Oleksandra Nazarova and Maksym Nikitin. The two skaters did not know a few days ago if they could participate in these world championships, blocked in their country at war.

Time was thus suspended when Oleksandra Nazarova and Maksym Nikitin started their dance. She in blue, him in yellow, they changed their music at the last moment for these Worlds to choose a song by the Ukrainian Jamala, with chilling lyrics: “When strangers come, they come to your house, they kill you all.”

When the war started, Oleksandra Nazarova and Maksym Nikitin were in Kharkiv, in the east of the country. They took more than a week to come to France, so being there is already a victory for Oleksandra Nazarova.

“Coming here, we try to help our country in any way we can: talk about the situation and just skate to support Ukrainians and our loved ones.”

Oleksandra Nazarova

at franceinfo

After their dance, they received a standing ovation from the audience, with many spectators holding up signs in the colors of Ukraine. Maksym Nikitin, moved, welcomed this support. He also justified that the Russian athletes were not there: “Habitually, he says, it is said that sport should not be political, but this is no longer the case. It’s not even politics anymore: it’s about our lives.”

A performance that moved Gabriella Papadakis, who entered the fray a few minutes later. The French helped the couple to come to France. “The fact that they are there without training and without anything, it’s magnificent, emphasizes the skater. They did it for their country and I liked it a lot.” After this competition, the two Ukrainians still do not know what they will do.

Ovation for the Ukrainian couple at the World Figure Skating Championships: report by Jérôme Val

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