the Ukrainian army tries to contain the Russian assaults


Video length: 2 min

War in Ukraine: the Ukrainian army tries to contain Russian assaults

War in Ukraine: the Ukrainian army tries to contain Russian assaults – (France 2)

Monday February 26, as Russia and Ukraine enter their third year of conflict, Russian assaults are increasingly difficult for the Ukrainian army to contain.

In Robotyne (Ukraine), despite the lack of ammunition, the Ukrainians put all their forces into battle, Monday February 26. They are trying to push back the Russians, who are advancing a little more every day. For a week, Russian forces have been trying to break through the Ukrainian lines, which, in response, are laying anti-tank mines. A new line of defense was dug in a few days. For the Ukrainians, stopping an assault is as difficult as leading an offensive.

A difficult military situation for Ukraine

It is also necessary to reinforce the kilometers of trenches and command posts. “Anti-tank mines, dragon teeth, trenches, we use everything to stop the enemy before they get here”, explains a Ukrainian soldier. The anti-tank ditch, which stretches for miles across the countryside, is the last defense. According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the military situation is extremely difficult and Ukraine expects more international assistance.

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