the typical specialties of Ireland can be found in Cork




Article written by

M.September, L.Soudre, C.Madini – France 2

France Televisions

Thursday October 6, the soap opera of the JT of 13 Hours on the markets of the world continues in Cork, in Ireland. It is one of the oldest markets in the country and offers Irish specialties.

In Cork (Ireland), under the covered halls of the English market, you can find meat, vegetables, bread, but also specialties of the city, such as spicy beef or drisheen. “It’s a kind of black pudding, made with boiled cow’s blood”, explains a shopkeeper. In this market, everything is produced locally, even the wild salmon is caught in the river that crosses Cork (Ireland).

The salmon is prepared a few kilometers away in Cobh (Ireland), according to the traditional recipe, which consists of smoking and salting it. “It is also for tradition that we have our store in the historic market”, says Franck Hederman, smoked salmon producer. Built in 1788, Cork Market is one of the oldest in the country. Ireland was still under English domination when it was built, which is why it is called the English market. Since then, families of merchants have followed one another. “The whole family worked here”testifies Paul Murphy-Coughlan, butcher.

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