The two suspects in the fire in Old Montreal will appear on Saturday

The two suspects arrested in connection with the fire in Old Montreal which left two dead and two injured on October 4 will appear Saturday at the Montreal courthouse.

Their identities were revealed in the police denunciation document. They are Justin Fortier-Trahan and Juventino Hernandez Pelaez, aged 20 and 18 respectively.

They were each charged with second-degree murder, in addition to facing two counts of intentionally or recklessly causing damage to property by fire or explosion with knowledge or not caring that it was inhabited or occupied, i.e. one count per building affected, and one count for causing damage to property by fire or explosion intentionally or without regard of the consequences of his act, thereby causing bodily harm to Patrick Meguid.

The two men were arrested Friday by the Montreal City Police Service (SPVM). The arrests took place in the boroughs of Saint-Laurent and Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve.

“Evidence collected during the investigation indicates that one of them used an incendiary object to set the building on fire, while the second drove the fleeing vehicle,” said the chief. of the Major Crimes Section, Jean-Sébastien Caron, at a press briefing Friday afternoon.

The two suspects were known to the police, but SPVM representatives refused to specify on Friday whether they believed the individuals could be linked to organized crime or if they could be involved in cases of extortion.

The fire which allegedly started in the Loam restaurant, on the ground floor of a heritage building on rue Notre-Dame Est on October 4, caused the death of Léonor Geraudie, aged 43, and her daughter 7 years old, Vérane. Two other people were injured. At the time of the disaster, there were 25 people in the building.

Since the tragedy of October 4, “200 police officers have been working to advance the investigation,” indicated Jean-Sébastien Caron, who also specified that the victims’ family had been informed of the arrest of the two suspects.

Mayor Valérie Plante congratulated the police after the SPVM’s announcement, indicating that “these arrests are a show of force from our police service which will continue to shed light on this criminal act.”

“Similar” fires

Coroner Géhane Kamel will chair a public inquiry into the death, in the fire on October 4, of the lady of French origin and her daughter.

Me Kamel was already appointed to chair the investigation into the fire which killed seven people in another heritage building on Place d’Youville, on March 16, 2023. Chief coroner Reno Bernier indicates that, since the new investigation ” will relate to similar facts”, the two files could possibly be grouped together, “depending on the progress of the files”.

A total of nine people died in the two fires.

The two heritage buildings which were ravaged by these fatal fires both belonged to the same owner, Emile Benamor. The first, that of Place d’Youville, was used in particular for short-term tourist rentals on the Airbnb platform, the second as a youth hostel, above the Loam restaurant.

Wave of arsons

Police believe extortion attempts are behind several firebombings of businesses in recent months.

These attacks are often carried out by young people recruited by criminal gangs.

On Wednesday, the SPVM announced that it had arrested seven teenagers aged 14 to 17 last week, who allegedly belonged to a gang based in the Saint-Léonard district. They are suspected of numerous violent crimes, including arson and extortion.

Police also arrested a 15-year-old in connection with an attempted arson last weekend and this week, three people, including a minor, were arrested in connection with a shooting at an apartment building in Vieux Montreal.

The building in question also belongs to Montreal businessman Émile Benamor.

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