the two killed agents made knights of the Legion of Honor posthumously

Prison captain Fabrice Moello and brigadier supervisor Arnaud Garcia were killed in a murderous ambush at the Incarville tollbooth on May 14.



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Illustrative photo of the prison administration.  (ERIC BOUVET / RADIOFRANCE)

The two officers killed during the attack on a prison van at the Incarville tollbooth (Eure) are posthumously made knights of the Legion of Honor, indicates a decree published this Wednesday in the Official Journal, relayed by France Bleu Normandie . This decree was signed by Emmanuel Macron.

A national tribute will be paid Wednesday, May 22, at midday to Arnaud Garcia and Fabrice Moello, in Caen. It will be chaired by the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal. The head of government replaces Emmanuel Macron, traveling to New Caledonia.

Brigadier supervisor, escort agent at the Caen regional judicial extraction center“, Arnaud Garcia died afterwards “15 years of service“, specifies the decree. “Prison captain, head of the Caen judicial extraction center“, Fabrice Moello died afterwards “29 years of service“.

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