“The two clubs have lost their identity”, regrets Elie Baup, former coach of the Girondins and the Greens

These are two monuments in danger which will be found on the lawn of the Matmut Atlantique, Wednesday, April 20. Bordeaux, 19th, receives Saint-Etienne, 17th, on behalf of the 33rd day of Ligue 1 with multiple challenges, in a capital opposition in the race to maintain. Former Girondins and ASSE coach Elie Baup analyzes for franceinfo: sport the difficult situation of the two teams and their prospects for the end of the season.

Franceinfo: sport: How did these two French football institutions get into this delicate position?

Elie Baup: These are the consequences of several months, even several years of difficulties. The Girondins de Bordeaux have been on a tightrope for several seasons, with both financial and sporting difficulties. Saint-Etienne, for a few seasons, it’s been on alternating current, once it’s fine, once it’s not. Above all, the clubs lose their identity, and by force, they find themselves in situations like this. We left room for a form of football business, with trading, the importance given to financial performance. Football has not always been the main focus.

These are also two clubs that have been talking extra-sportingly lately, with questions of sale, change of shareholders…

In these moments, you need a great unity, that everyone is around the sports project, the ground must be the essential concern. However, in these two clubs, for some time, between the sale for Saint-Etienne, and the change of shareholder for the Girondins, we have lost identity and priorities. These are also two clubs which had solid formations, which relied on young people, and there, we see less of them emerging, we lose this strength, this desire to defend the jersey under which you were trained.

How can the Girondins approach this meeting psychologically, after the slap received on Sunday in Lyon (6-1)?

They are very irregular, and they have been in this situation for some time. It’s a bit like before their matches against Lille and Metz, they remained on several defeats but they knew how to remobilise. The players received this slap against Lyon, you have to get back in the direction of travel, tell yourself that in the event of victory, the fight to maintain, or at least be a roadblocker, is still possible. It’s all the psychological, collective, technical, tactical work, at all levels. It’s a job that Saint-Etienne may have been able to do on their side, after losing heavily against Lorient, with also the context of a whole stadium growing behind them. In these moments, the supporters must be in unison behind the club. There is danger in the future for both teams, and the support of the supporters, the public, all those who love the club is essential.

“The two clubs are in danger, the players have to plan until the end of the season, and find some form of regularity to believe in it.”

Elie Baup, former coach of Bordeaux and Saint-Etienne

at franceinfo: sport

On what forces will the two clubs be able to rely, each on their side?

Saint-Etienne will rely on its latest results, this dynamic that is being built. The club managed to set up a form of solidarity in the difficulty, with its trainer, Pascal Dupraz, who is a real leader of men in these situations. Bordeaux will have to be in revolt after this match against Lyon, a reaction will be mandatory. But it will have to be extended, it is not enough to react to a match.

Would a bad result seal the fate of one of the two teams?

It would be very complicated for the Girondins if they were to lose. But conversely, in the event of a victory, they would come back to within one point of Saint-Etienne. And if the Greens won, they would make a small difference before the final sprint.

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