the two brothers accused of “swindling” a millionaire suffering from bipolar disorder

Grichka Bogdanoff died at the age of 72 on Tuesday, December 28. The news was announced by his agent to Agence France Presse. He formed with his twin Igor a famous duo of scientific popularizers. The two brothers became famous in the 80s when they presented the show “Temps X” on TF1. Despite extensive media exposure, the scientific credibility of their work has been regularly questioned by some scientists. The Bogdanoff brothers have also aroused a lot of curiosity in the general public because of their personality, their family origins and their strange physical appearance, even frightening for some. Many rumors have punctuated their private life about which little was known. “All of that has evaporated today. There are a lot of legends circulating about Grichka and me“, vaguely told Igor Bogdanoff, in an interview with Non Stop People, in June, against a Jordan De Luxe.

Bogdanoff brothers accused of fraud against millionaire

Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff allegedly tried to rob a bipolar millionaire to settle their financial problems and relaunch “Time X”, the sci-fi show that made them famous in the 1980s. The Bogdanoff brothers have been charged “vulnerable person scam“as announced byAFP at the beginning of the year. The main parties have denied everything. The alleged victim, Cyrille P., a 53-year-old wealthy former hotelier suffering from bipolar disorder for several years, committed suicide on August 31, 2018, at the height of the investigation, from the cliffs of Étretat. The former columnists of TPMP assured on this subject that it was a “nice tribute“returned to them and free publicity.”It’s like a foam passing over the river of legends“, the twins concluded.

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