the twittos mad with rage in the face of the defense of Jean-Michel Blanquer and the controversy around Ibiza in the JT of TF1

A new health protocol in schools live from Ibiza. Since January 17, 2022, Jean-Michel Blanquer has had to face numerous criticisms following the revelations of Mediapart. Our colleagues revealing that the Minister of National Education had announced the establishment of the latter during an interview granted to the Parisian while the member of the government of Emmanuel Macron was staying in Ibiza. After an attempt to defend against the National Assembly, it was in the TF1 newscast, presented by Gilles Bouleau, that Jean-Michel Blanquer wanted to address the French and try to repair the broken pots.

Faced with the journalist, the Minister of National Education assures him from the outset: “If I had to do it again, I would have chosen another place”. A first regret that the politician however qualified in the continuation of his intervention. “I am aware that the “symbolic” destination of my vacation. But from December 28 to January 1, I took vacation, it is not abnormal”, he defended himself by assuring that he had no “not breaking any government rules. I’ve been giving my heart and soul to keeping schools open for two years [malgré le Covid-19, ndlr], it’s hard to be on the docks”.

But Twitter does not seem to have been convinced by the defense of Jean-Michel Blanquer. Many Internet users do not hesitate to express their anger and be violent in their remarks towards the minister. “Let him take a vacation in Petaouchnok, who cares! On the other hand, an infeasible protocol, which contributes to exploding cases, and last minute because he was not damned to do something negotiated and sensible before leaving, yes it’s a scandal!”, deplores a twittos before another swings: “This guy is unbearable. He claims to work when nothing has been done for two years to secure the schools. Nothing! In any company he would have been fired!”

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