The twenty-second edition of Korrika, the relay race in favor of the Basque language, began this Thursday in Amurrio in the province of Alava. Since the early 1980s, the event has taken place every two years, but last year it could not be held because of the pandemic. For eleven days and ten nights, Korrika will travel 2,575 kilometers across all seven provinces of the Basque Country. The aim is to promote the use of Basque and raise funds to finance intensive courses and evening classes for adults. AEK provides courses in fifteen municipalities with 75 teachers and 1,200 students.
In each of its editions, Korrika unites thousands of people, among them Basque language enthusiasts like Dylan Inglis. This 23-year-old Englishman who lives in Tardets speaks unified Basque and several dialects such as Souletin.
This Monday, April 4, from 4:09 p.m., Korrika will pass through Lower Navarre and Soule. On Saturday April 9, it will cross the province of Labourd. That day, France Bleu Pays Basque invites you to run two kilometers with part of the resort team : around 7.15 a.m. on the descent from the Col d’Ibardin and at 7.20 p.m. in Bayonne near the FNAC in the direction of Anglet. Korrika will end in San Sebastián on Sunday April 10 at 12:30 p.m. It will pay tribute to the clowns Pirritx, Porrotx and Marimotots for the work they have done for 34 years in favor of the Basque language among the youngest. It is only at the end of Korrika that the participants will know the message written by a personality from the Basque Country. The letter is inside the witness who for eleven days will travel 2,275 kilometers thanks to the participation of thousands of sportsmen, artists, members of trade unions and political parties and representatives of numerous institutions and collectives of the together the seven provinces of the country of the Basque language.
– Frank Dolosor
Korrikaren hogoita bigarren edizioa ortzegun huntan hasi da Amurrion. Hameka egun eta hamar gauez euskararen aldeko lekukoa eskuz esku pasako da Euskal Herriko zazpi lurraldeetan barna. Korrikak bi helburu nagusi ditu: euskara sustatzea eta dirua biltzea AEKren gau eskolen alde. Ipar Euskal Herriko hamabortz gau eskoletan, 1,200 ikasle eta 75 erakasle dabilza. AEKren ordezkariek inbertsio publiko haundiagoa aldarrikatzen dute euskara ikastea urririk izan dadin.
Korrika Arnegitik sartuko da Baxe Nafarroan apirilaren lauan 4:09 p.m. Segidan, Donibane Garazi eta Xiberua zeharkatuko ditu, eta Nafarroa Garairat itzuliko da Izpegi lepotik. Korrika Lapurdin izanen da ere apirilaren bederatzian. Sustrai Colina bertsulariak idatzi eta Nerea Urbizu eta Anari musikariek landu duten kantua entzun ahal izanen da Korrika pasako den herrietatik.
Urdin Euskal Herria Irratiak era beats egin of Korrikarekin. Ipar Euskal Herriko irrati publikoak bi kilometra eginen ditu AEKren alde, biak apirilaren bederatzian. Lehena goizeko 7:15 a.m. inguru, Ibardingo lepoan behera, eta bigarrena Baionan FNAC saltokiaren aintzinean Angelurat buruz, 7:20 p.m. aldean. Entzule eta euskaltzale guziak gomit dira kilometra horietan parte hartzera!
Korrika apirilaren hamarrean bururatuko da Donostian 12:30 p.m. Aldi huntan, Pirritx, Porrotx eta Marimotots jostakinak omenduko dituzte hogoita hamalau urtez egin duten lana eskertzeko.
– Frank Dolosor