the truth behind the very original choice of her child’s first name!

This Thursday, February 10, 2022, Nathasha St-Pier blew out her 41 candles. If she has everything to be happy, the singer does not think of expanding the family with a second child. It must be said that she has come a long way with her son Bixente born on November 13, 2015. Indeed, the latter is a real fighter. Moreover, it is partly for this reason that he bears this first name.

Asked about this, the one who threw a tackle at the Enfoirés gave explanations to magic mom saying that it was primarily an idea of ​​her husband. “My husband is from the South West, he wanted to call our son or Bixente or Peyo. I loved Maxime and Esteban”, she explained. But it is the little one’s health difficulties that would have motivated the couple to choose the first name earlier than expected.

Natasha St-Pier continues: “At five months of pregnancy, when we learned that Bixente was ill, I absolutely wanted to find a name for him right away”. It was the meaning of the first name that tipped the scales in favor of Bixente. “In Basque, Bixente is a derivative of Vicentius, which means “he who overcomes”. she added. In addition, the name Maxime means “the greatest“indulged the eldest of the family in Roman times. Thus, they baptized him Bixente, Maxime. Names that seem to have brought good luck to the baby.

At the birth of her son, Natasha St-Pier experienced another hard blow since he had to undergo emergency surgery. “The night before Bixente’s operation, I stayed by his bed at Necker Hospital and thanked him for letting me be his mom for those four months. I told him he could go in peace, but if he wanted to stay by my side, I would be the happiest of mothers.” did she remember Gala.

Almost seven years later, the little boy still makes his parents happy even though they have since separated. And that is probably one of the most beautiful birthday gifts that Nathasha St-Pier can boast of receiving every year!

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