the truth about his violent companion…

To everyone’s surprise, Camille Lellouche announced this Tuesday, May 17, that she was pregnant with her first child. On her Instagram account, the beauty posted a photo of her pretty rounded belly.

“I love you so much already”, she also and above all noted in the caption, proof that she really wanted to give life.

The comedian and singer also took the opportunity to reveal the sex of the future baby. It’s a little girl who will brighten up her daily life!

And if Camille Lellouche prefers for the moment to keep for her the identity of her mysterious companion, last year, in Seven to Eight, she had evoked the most destructive love story of her existence.

The main interested party was 19 years old when she met the one who would become her “first love”. All the forms of violence that a woman can suffer, I have suffered themshe confided, on TF1.

Camille remembers that during a trip to Portugal, when he made a joke about her grandparents who were deported, she decided to isolate herself for a few minutes. “When I came back 15 minutes later, I heard in the distance ‘where is this p…?’. I was shocked. And I said ‘it’s me the p…?’ He said to me ‘where were you dirty p…?’ I don’t have time to react before he slaps me, very violently. He was still 120 kilos, we were on a monster.

The star says she was totally “under (his) influence” and came back to psychological violence every day, and physical violence all the time, three or four times a week. And even confessed, with tears in her eyes, to having been forced to sleep with him:The fact that I don’t want to make love with him, for example. When you have someone very strong, you have no choice.

See also: Camille Lellouche succumbed to cosmetic surgery!

Apolline Demarchelier

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