The true from the false. Did Amazon remove negative comments on Olivier Véran’s book?

While Olivier Véran has just published a book in which he recounts how he experienced the Covid-19 pandemic as Minister of Health, for a few days on social networks, certain messages, very divided, affirm that the platform Amazon removes negative reviews. The posts indeed show different screenshots which indicate that the book has gone from 15 comments, most of the time with the lowest rating, to only… three, who have chosen to put the highest rating at book by Olivier Véran.

Amazon has confirmed to franceinfo that it has deleted some reviews, all negative, but the platform rejects any censorship charges. She explains that she simply followed her usual policy of moderation. “We have strict fake review policies and proactively remove reviews that violate these rules, in an effort to ensure the best shopping experience possible”, explains an Amazon spokesperson. Clearly, she did not delete these reviews because of poor ratings attributed to the book, but because of comments that do not respect the rules of the site.

For example, Amazon notably prohibits insults or threats, but also “attacks against people with whom the customer does not agree” or defamatory or hate speech. And according to the screenshots circulating on social networks, the deleted messages were more critical of the management of Olivier Véran’s health crisis than his book.

However, that doesn’t mean there are only rave reviews. While Amazon doesn’t say how many reviews have been removed, those still online aren’t all positive. Moreover, the average rating for the book was 3 out of 5 stars on Wednesday evening, with several one-star reviews saying, for example, that the book did not “no interest”.

Except that, since this weekend, all Internet users can no longer write comments. Now only people who have purchased the book can post a review. An option enabled by Amazon “as a result of unusual activities”, explains the platform which does not say if this “Verified Purchase” option is frequently used on its site. Amazon only specifies that it wants to actively fight against fake reviews and comments that do not respect its rules.

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