the truce between Israel and the Islamic Jihad has been respected


France 2

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A truce agreement was found on Sunday evening August 7 between Israel and Islamic Jihad in Gaza.

There were a few hiccups in the first hour of the ceasefire, Sunday evening August 7, but the night was calm in Israel and the Gaza Strip. There were no new Tsahal raids on the Palestinian enclave, nor Islamic Jihad rocket attacks on the Jewish state. Life is gradually returning to normal in Ashdod (Israel), after three days of conflict. Israel achieved its goals: arrests in the West Bank and targeted killings of Islamic Jihad leaders in the Gaza Strip.

There was very little damage on Israeli soil, while 44 people were killed Palestinian side, including women and children as well as members of the Islamist movement. Islamic Jihad has secured the release of two of its leaders who were being held in Israeli prisons, explains France Télévisions journalist Lucas of Villepin.

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