the Tricastin nuclear power plant was raided in September

Judicial information against X had been opened in the spring of 2022 after a complaint filed against EDF in October 2021 by a site executive.

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The Tricastin nuclear power plant, located in the town of Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux (Drôme), was searched in September as part of the investigation opened for “non-declaration of an incident or accident” and ” endangering others”, learned Tuesday, October 25 France Bleu Drôme Ardèche, confirming information from Mediapart (article reserved for subscribers).

The plant was searched on September 27 and 28 by specialized gendarmes from the Central Office for the Fight against Damage to the Environment and Public Health (OCLAESP). Documents were seized at the request of the investigating judges of the Marseille health center.

Judicial information against X had been opened in the spring of 2022 after a complaint filed against EDF in October 2021 by a site executive. The complaint was then filed for violations of the regulations relating to nuclear installations, the environmental code and labor law, endangering the lives of others and harassment.

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