Video length: 2 min.
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The emotion was palpable, Sunday April 16 in Marseille, a week after the explosion and the double collapse of the rue de Tivoli. Locals paid tribute to the victims. Nearly 300 people have had to leave their homes, and are wondering about their future.
Eight long minutes of meditation, in tribute to the eight victims of the rue de Tivoli. Then this applause. Candles, bouquets of flowers and messages of condolence: Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) is still bruised, Sunday April 16. AT a few meters away, the collapsed buildings of the rue de Tivoli, blown up by an explosion the night of the previous Sunday. Eight people lost their lives.
91 people are staying at the hotel
A week after the tragedy, the emotion is still palpable. “People talk about it all the time, we think about it”, said a resident. 42 buildings were evacuated and 303 people had to leave their homes. Hafida Bousehaba’s apartment is partly destroyed, and she is still traumatized. “I saw death“, she repeats. With her son, she is relocated to a hotel room. Like her, 91 people are staying at the hotel and still do not know when they will be able to return to their apartment. The investigation continues The track of a gas explosion is for the moment privileged.