the trial of thirteen people accused of being part of a narcotics sales network

They incur up to ten years in prison, twenty for repeat offenders. Thirteen people, almost all in their twenties, are in the dock as of Wednesday. They are accused of having been part of a narcotics sales network, rue de Moscow, in the Residences district. All profiles are on the dock, from the head of the network to the reseller through the mule.

Between 2019 and November 2021, they would have sold cannabis resin, grass, cocaine and heroin in large quantities. It was mainly telephone tapping that made it possible to establish the facts because there was no big dragnet according to one of the defense lawyers. The defendants were arrested piecemeal.

Among the defendants, some would recognize part of the facts. The others, especially those accused of leading the network would deny it. The trial should last three days, the time to unravel the file. The verdict is expected on Friday.

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