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In Rochefort (Charente Maritime)six years after the drama, the emotion is intact. On February 11, 2016, a school bus accident claimed the lives of six teenagers. Monday, March 28 opens the trial of the driver of the dump truck who hit the school vehicle.
In La Rochelle (Charente Maritime) This morning, Monday March 28, the trial of the sole defendant in the school bus accident which took place six years ago begins. The driver of the dump truck, at the origin of the disaster, arrived this morning at the La Rochelle courthouse. Only his responsibility was retained. He also admitted the facts. Before entering the room, he cannot hold back his tears. “It’s a moment heavy with emotions, you will understand, given the tragic moment that everyone will relive“, expressed master Thierry Sagardoyhtothe driver’s lawyer.
The tragedy occurred in a bend on a road in Rochefort, February 11, 2016. The school bus crosses the dump truck whose side panel has remained open, apparently through negligence. The steel plank shears the bus on board which were fifteen teenagers. Six lost their lives, two were injured. Today, families want to know the whole truth. The truck driver is being prosecuted for manslaughter. He faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison. The judgment is expected at the end of the week.