the trial is adjourned to November 10, 2022

Laurent Bigorgne is suspected of having drugged without his knowledge his employee and ex-sister-in-law by unknowingly slipping MDMA into his glass of champagne at a party.

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The trial of the former director of the Institut Montaigne, Laurent Bigorgne, for “administration of harmful substance followed by incapacity not exceeding eight days”, was returned to November 10, 2022, learned franceinfo Thursday March 10 from concordant sources. He is suspected of having drugged one of his employees and ex-sister-in-law without his knowledge.

At the request of the civil party, the court ordered additional information, namely a medico-psychological expertise of the victim, Sophie Conrad, to determine the impact of the facts on her mental health, and a psychiatric expertise of Laurent Bighorn. But, contrary to the wishes of the victim, no judicial information will be opened.

A “half-victory” according to the plaintiff’s lawyer

“It’s a half victory”, comments Me Arié Alimi, the complainant’s lawyer this Thursday at franceinfo. For him, “the court did not follow through”. The lawyer leaves “the possibility of filing a complaint with civil action”.

The suspect admitted having put MDMA in Sophie Conrad’s glass of champagne on February 22, during a working dinner at his home. She had felt ill and had come from his home. Despite text messages of a sexual nature sent to the victim a few days before, the investigation did not retain any “sexual intentions” of the suspect, which the victim disputes, denouncing an investigation “botched”.

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