the tragedy trial will open on Monday, September 19


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The trial of the Millas level crossing accident will open on Monday, September 19, in Marseille. On December 14, 2017, a school bus was hit by a train, resulting in the death of six college students. The driver is being prosecuted for manslaughter and manslaughter.

In Millas (Eastern Pyrenees)children’s names engraved on a marble stele, those of the six victims who died in the accident. Among them, Teddy, 11 years old. That evening, her mother, Sandra Chinaudwas to celebrate his 34th birthday. His phone rang around 6 p.m. We are called to tell us that Teddy is in the hospital. I was completely blocked, I couldn’t even think anymore“, she recalls.

The disaster took place on a level crossing. December 14, 2017 at 4:06 p.m.a school bus with 23 children on board was hit head-on by a train on the railway. The bus was cut in two. Today Sandra Chinaud expects from the trial the truth about the circumstances and causes of the accident. My son won’t come back, but I need someone to tell me: ‘There, it’s true, there was that, there was that. Only one person is on the bench of the defendants: the bus driveraccused of having forced the barrier of the level crossing. She always claimed she was up. The trial is expected to last three weeks.

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