the tragedy of the sinking of a migrant boat creates controversy


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

M. De Chalvron, L. Feuerstein, J. Chouquet, @RevelateursFTV – France 2

France Televisions

The search continues, Thursday, June 15, in Greece to try to find survivors of yesterday’s shipwreck. 78 bodies of migrants have been recovered from the sea but there could be hundreds.

On photos, we see the boat before it sinks, the bridge literally crowded. Some survivors speak of 750 people in total, including a hundred children in the hold of the ship. So far, 104 people have been rescued in Greece. 78 people have officially died and hundreds more are still missing. THE drama would havecould it be avoided? The controversy swells in Greece and Europe.

NGOs dispute the version of the Greek authorities

The boat would have left last Friday, June 9, from the Libyan coast in the direction of Italy before sinking in the wide Greek coasts on the night of June 14. AT 10:40 p.m. On Tuesday, a Greek Coast Guard vessel sails near the fishing boat and detects no problems. AT 1h40 in the morning, the boat reported engine failure. AT 2:04the boat begins to capsize. 15 minutes later she sank. Greek authorities say the migrants repeatedly refused help. A version contested by NGOs.

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