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What will the government decide during the Health Defense Council, Friday, December 17? Journalist Jean-Baptiste Marteau sheds light on this, duplex from Matignon.
What new measures await the French, Friday, December 17? “Two leads were clearly on the table of this Defense Council, [la première est de] get tested before Christmas Eve, (…) especially if you will be at the table with people who are fragile or deemed to be at risk “, indicates the journalist Jean-Baptiste Marteau, in duplex from Matignon. Another probable announcement, two self-tests could be reimbursed per person.
The government also wants to speed up vaccination. “Until now we could receive [l’injection de la cinquième dose de rappel cinq mois] after the last injection, this period could be shortened to three or four months “, continues the journalist. Regarding borders, Emmanuel Macron has already announced “that there would be no new restrictive measures within the Schengen area itself”, concludes Jean-Baptiste Marteau.