The TPMP columnist shocks his comrades by revealing this PHARAONIC sum he spends each month

On Wednesday February 16, Cyril Hanouna received a visit from Martial You in Do not touch My TV. The Editor-in-Chief of the Economic Department RTL was on the set of the flagship show of C8 to distil advice to avoid being overdrawn every month! The journalist shared tips for saving money, especially when shopping, to lower the gas and electricity bill… “Use second-hand shopping sites (…) consume local and seasonal“, he said. “I can save you 100 euros over a year”he explained in particular. “With three simple gestures”. But which ones? “LED bulbs consume much less than conventional bulbs”. He also recommended “unplugging all electrical devices” including laptop chargers that “continue to pump electricity” even when no smartphone is connected. “You can unplug the wifi (…) I did the calculations, with these gestures you earn 100 euros” less on your bill.

“Too much money”

Cyril Hanouna went around the table to find out if it happened to his columnists to be exposed. If for Gilles Verdez, Matthieu Delormeau Valérie Benaïm or even Benjamin Castaldi, everything is under control, for Guillaume Genton, it’s a different story. The youngest of the band admitted to being exposed very often at the end of each month. The columnist is very spendthrift. And when Baba asked him how much he spent every month, his answer was clear: “Do you want me to tell you the truth? Too much money”he has in a first time before adding: “Several tens of thousands of euros”. Something to shock his comrades in particular Géraldine Maillet, who asked him if he had enough financial inflows to afford it. Curious to know the exact figure, Cyril Hanouna asked him if it was an amount greater than 20,000 euros. “Yes”!

What a way of life!

See also: “Stop, I’m a married woman”, Faustine Bollaert forced to calm Agustin Galiana on France 2: this wild dance which embarrassed the host!


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