the Toyota Prius is the most stolen car in France in 2021


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

Article written by

N. Coadou, B. Barnier, F. Dumont – France 2

France Televisions

The specialized magazine Auto Plus has just unveiled the list of the most stolen cars in 2021 in France. The Toyota Prius has become a favorite target for thieves.

With 227 thefts for 10,000 vehicles, the Toyota Prius is the most stolen car in France in 2021. This is the first time that a hybrid car has topped this ranking published each year by Auto Plus magazine. The Toyota Prius is particularly sought after for its catalytic converter, a device that serves to reduce the pollution emitted by the vehicle. But it is especially the rare crystals it contains that attract thugs. Rhodium, for example, is worth more than 600 euros per gram, eleven times more expensive than gold.

It happens that thieves are content to turn the vehicle on its side to steal this famous pot in a few minutes, which can bring them up to 1,000 euros per unit. In total, 120,000 vehicles were stolen in 2021, i.e. 336 thefts every day on average. Behind the Toyota Prius, we find the DS 7 Crossback and the Renault Ménage RS.


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