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The French toy store chain La Grande Récré is in difficulty. It is part of the empire of businessman Michel Ohayion, whose brands like Camaïeu, which has closed, Gap and Go Sport are going badly. All of this has an impact on small and medium-sized towns, which are seeing stores close one after another. Example in Beauvais in the Oise.
This toy store will close its doors next week for good. And that’s not the only big brand in Beauvais (Oise) to have left this shopping center. Downtown, the situation is no better. Many stores have closed in recent months, like Camaïeu, which drew the curtain last December. The residents are disillusioned. “It’s already not very lively… If more shops close, it’s going to get worse and worse”, worries a resident. Inflation has been there, consumers are paying attention to their budget.
An envelope of several million euros
Valérie Haffane, manager of the Xando store in downtown Beauvais, has brought in her new collection well, but she is worried about the drop in customer traffic and repeated crises. “It’s a whole: time, strikes, inflation”lists the shopkeeper. So the town hall is trying to cope. We must continue to attract residents to the city center, at all costs. “Major works are planned as part of the Cœur de ville project”, underlines Franck Pia, the mayor of Beauvais. An operation intended to revitalize its center, with an envelope endowed with several million euros.