the town of Cahors comes back to life


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The traders and elected officials of the city of Cahors (Lot) have achieved a great feat: that of revitalizing daily activities. This revival is manifested in particular by vacant housing, put back on the real estate market.

If Cahors (Lot) attracts a lot of tourists in summer, the city must fight to keep a shopping activity once winter comes. To bring its inhabitants back to the city center, Cahors has launched a renovation program including work in the central hall. Now brand new, the gallery has won over new clients. “At the time, I did not come regularly and there I have this desire to come here especially to drink my coffee (…) it’s superb”, rejoices a customer.

This situation also pleases the traders who benefit greatly from this facelift brought to the markets. Thanks to the Heart of Town Action, as well as state and regional aid, the town of Cahors now benefits from a cinema, as well as the redevelopment of several buildings. A godsend for homeowners, who see growing demand. 800 homes have already been renovated and rented.


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