the town hall of Valence denounces the drought decree of the prefecture

The city is forced to sacrifice its green spaces, its parks and its stadiums denounces the town hall of Valence. Because of the drought alert at the maximum level, any watering is prohibited by decision of the prefecture of Drôme since July 20, 2022. For the mayor of Valence, these restrictions threaten thousands of trees, lawns and other plants.

In a press release, Nicolas Daragon assures: “the city has tried to adapt and manage this drought crisis with discernment without letting die thousands of trees and shrubs for which a lack of minimum watering for weeks would be deadly, trees that will also be very useful in the decades to come to guarantee islands of freshness in the city.”

The restoration will take years and will have an astronomical cost for the community – Nicolas Daragon the mayor of Valence.

He pursues : “the municipal team regrets having to sacrifice so many spaces created for decades as well as its stadiums which are used for the competitions of the sports clubs of our city the rehabilitation will take years and will have an astronomical cost for the community. This decision will have massive consequences for our clubs. A form of incomprehension lives in us since our Ardèche neighbors can continue to water with the Rhône while the Drôme prefecture forces us to cut everything under penalty of a 7500€ fine for each deviation.“.

source site-38