The windows of the hall of the building, behind which were the tricolor and European flags, burst under the effect of the explosion on Friday. Municipal services were closed at the time of the incident.
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The town hall of Longeville-sur-Mer (Vendée) was targeted by buckshot on Friday May 12, indicates France Bleu Loire Océan. The building was closed to the public at the time. Impacts were observed on the facade. The windows of the hall of the town hall, behind which were the tricolor and European flags, burst under the effect of the explosion.
>>> Resignation of the mayor of Saint-Brevin: the counts of attacks on elected officials lack precision
The mayor of Longeville-sur-Mer, Annick Pasquereau, says to herself “indignant” by these shots on a “symbol of the Republic, and this, in a context where respect for the values of the Republic, elected officials and institutions, is weakened.” Many messages of support have been sent to the town hall via its Facebook page.
This week, the mayor of Saint-Brevin (Loire-Atlantique) resigned after being the subject of numerous threats. On March 22, 2023, his two cars parked outside his home were set on fire and the flames attacked the front of his house as he slept inside with his wife.