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The teachers called for a strike on Thursday, January 13. They denounce the mess in schools and await the surgical masks promised by the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, which should be distributed by the end of the month. The town hall of Limoges, it did not wait.
In the schools of Limoge (Haute-Vienne), level 2 protective masks have arrived for teachers and staff in contact with children. The measure is appreciated, in a context where teachers do not always have the means to apply government directives. “The main thing is that children and staff are protected, so all means are good to take“, comments Thierry Doré, director of Limoges elementary school Landouge.
12,000 masks FFP2 were delivered during the first distribution. The endowment is valid for 15 days, and will be renewable according to the evolution of the pandemic. “These are masks which are completely up to standard and which follow the latest directives from the ARS, and from the government”, indicates Delphine Bouty-Chollet, Director of Purchasing, Logistics and Public Ordering at Limoges town hall. Purchased and stored at the start of the health crisis by the town hall, the masks now make it possible to strengthen the measures anti-Covid. “It is with the tax money of Limougeauds that we offer protection for those who work with children”, complete Émile Roger Lombertie, mayor (LR) from Limoges.